Mississippi Valley Associated Railroaders
Within the Carleton Place and Surrounding Area Since 1987
Member Contribution
It is my policy going forward in 2025 season is to have you the member show us what you can do to make this Website a goto place to get to know
the actual Mississippi Valley Associated Railroaders. Everyone is KEY TO OUR CLUB SUCCESS and a TEAM makes it Happen.
Listed below are people who have submitted to the Website: Just click onto name to see their contribution - Thanks
Club Nights:
Our nights are twice a Month on Thursday’s, and is what our Members like to do between train shows. It is a way for socializing with T Trak and
Ho2Go Members, and perhaps show off NEW buys or brainstorm for solutions of a problem maybe. Always interesting evening RUNNING our trains
with DC and DCC power when applicable.
Our Coordinators John Allen (T Trak) and Bill Lawrence (Ho2Go) provide the members with excellent evening layouts with Thanks.
To make some improvements, I have decided to add a link of those who have contributed to our club nights (Previously under Modular Nights in
Menu) in the way of having all inputs here. Hope you like new structure.
Home Layout
Home Layout